Julai 04, 2011

apabila Vlogging vs Blogging...

(tahukah anda? dgn memberi salam, kite dpt mgeratkn hubugn kite dgn lebih erat!! ye!! kite akn lbh syg menyayangi!!)

vlogging?? blogging?? eh??

vlogging ni, atau dikenali sbg video blogging ataupun vodcasting ni, skang ni da mcm satu fenomena bsr kn?? rata2, kalo tnye sape2 pun, even kalo tnye org tepi2 jln pun, mesti tau ape bndenye vlogging tu...
n bile sebut vlogging niii..mesti punye lah secare automatiknye terlintas di fikiran korg psl org2 yg buat video kat youtube tu kn??kn??kn??? mcm anwar hadi, mat luthfi, maria elena, hana tajima, paku dan belacan..n mcm2 lg...haaa sume knl kn sape diorg tuh??
diorg trknl sbb vlogging laa...

vlogging ni, same je ngn blogging, just org mnjdikn video sbg mediumnye....
tp, vlogging ni lg popular dr blogging kn??? haha...brgantung la pade individu trsebut....kalo video yg die buat x de faedah or just mengarut, x de maknenye popular gak kn??
lately ni, secare accidentally sye terjumpe byk channel2 vlogger yg menarik...mcm2 ada...ade yg mluahkn pndpt, ade yg ajar tutorial on makeup, ade yg bg tutorial on fashion..byk sgt lah smp x tertulis sye nii..
maka, x ade bezalah antare org yg blogging ngn org yg vlogging...kerane mereka semua hanye meluahkn pndpt..hnye cara shje yg beza...creative or not creative...

cume, pde pndpt saye, sye lg respect pade org yg vlogging nih...sbb ape?? sbb mereka brani menunjukkn muke mereka dan berani utk menonjolkn diri mereka di mata dunia ini hanya untuk meluahkn kate2 mereka...kn??

oh, sye nk share video yg cool sye jumpe kat beberape channel youtube nih...tp girls saje yg minat nk tgk kot....tutorials on makeup n wearing hijab...best!!

this one is the tutorial on wearing hijab (or selendang maybe...) she has a lot video on hijab tutorial. u guys should check this out!! really!!!

this one is for the makeup tutorial....she's so cool!! you should check this video!!
thumbs up for girls!!

so, this will end my post for today....see u again!!

hrp2 entry sye lps ni lbh menarik....

(oooohhh....saye x reti nk tulis byk2 dlm first entry saye niiii......oooohhhh....)

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